Jim’s is your local pest control Forbes experts. Our techs servicing Sydney and NSW are experienced, fully trained, and insured. You can trust the Jim’s name to help you with any pest problem.

If you need to get in touch with us, simply call 131 546 and our friendly staff will take your details.

Forbes is a great place to live and raise a family. We have a great country vibe, and most people move here to enjoy our relaxed lifestyle.

Kids in the area have freedoms that Sydney children can only dream of. Whether it is playing on the banks of the Lachlan River or the waterway in the middle of town, there is always something to do.

Bike riding or motor bike riding is a right of passage for most teenagers and many holidays are planned around this.

Locals love to enjoy the great outdoors and often invite friends over for BBQ’s. There are a large number of unwanted guests that come around as soon as you start cooking, which can make if difficult being outside.

This is where Jim’s Termite & Pest Control Forbes can help.

Jim’s Pest Control Forbes dealing with termites

In Forbes we live with a false sense of security. Most people buy houses or build houses and do not take into consideration the pests we have in the area.

You would be shocked to learn that termites do significant amounts of damage in Forbes every year. In fact, research shows that 1 in 3 homes have live termites on the property.

Often Jim’s is called once a person has discovered them. It is often by putting a hand through a wall where termites have been feeding. It is horrifying for the client when they discover these home wreckers.

If you discover termites in you home, call your local pests as soon as possible.

Don’t spray discovered termites with fly spray

The first reaction that most people have when discovering termites is to reach for the fly spray. A quick squirt with kill all the ones you can see quickly. Then as almost a second though they call a pest company.

This is not good for the following 3 reasons:

  1. The chemical in fly spray is a repellent. It actually repels the termites away from the area. Clients often report that they seem to have moved on, but the opposite is often the case.
  2. A termite colony can start at 500,000 individuals and in some species the numbers can build up to 2-3 million. So, spraying a handful of termites is not an affective way to treat them, as they will simply bob their heads up somewhere else.
  3. Once termites have been sprayed it can make the technicians job harder. Chemicals that are typically available at supermarkets are repellents. Our techs will often have to search over the walls and other areas to find an uncontaminated area. In the worse cases they may have to come back in a few weeks once they have settled down.

If you discover termites in your home, stop what you are doing and call a pest control company immediately.

Jim's Pest Control
Pest Control Forbes